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Treatment When ejaculation occurs too early, before both partners get sexual satisfaction.

Mild degree Premature Ejaculation:

Reduce the sensation if Glans, by applying Lignocaine ointment, or by wearing a condom.

Divert the mind to non-sexual activities like sport or business matters.
Teach the couple to learn to synchronise the time of sexual activity, by preparing wife initially through foreplay.
Tab. Tentex forte 2tds x 2-3 months. (Ayurvedic)

Grossly Premature ejaculation:

Step I: Counseling

Patient often associated it with past history of masturbation, and has a strong guilty feeling. Explain in details to remove guilty feeling.

The wife has a very important role to play and she may feel neglected and get frustrated. She should be explained that ultimately, it is for her pleasure also. But if she react with anger and with frustration it will further deteriorate the problem. She has to be co-operative and sympathetic.

Are there any other marital problems nor related to sex? Then solve them first.

Step II: Developing Ejaculatory control:

Ejaculation & Orgasm can be voluntarily controlled. The patient has to learn to recognize the sensations prior to orgasm and stop.

Stage I:

Man is advised to masturbate himself, and when he can sense that ejaculation is near, stop. Allow the erection to subside. Start again. Repeat this number of times before allowing ejaculation. Praactice for 2-4 weeks.

Stage II:

Learn the same with the wife. She will masturbate the husband near to orgasm, stop when he indicates wait for erection to subside, then start again, Repeat this few times and then ejaculation. Practice for 2- 4 weeks.

Stage III:

Follow the same method for intercourse initially with female superior position and then with male superior position. The principle is to stop before ejaculation, If necessary disengage, wait for erection to subside and then start again. Practice for 3-4 months, or more till perfect control is achiwved.

Drug Treatment:

Inj. Neurobion 2cc IM x alt days x 5-10 injections.
Tab. Tentex forte 2 tds x 3 months or Shilajeet caps 1-2 tds x 3 months.
Syp. Nutrifil 2 tsp bd (General Tonic).

Inj. Neurobion
Tab. Tentex forte
Syp. Nutrifil


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